1864 Days

The Prussians break through the thick palisade posts and storm up the steep ramparts as cannons roar and rifle bullets fly close by. Will the Danes manage to withstand the fierce attack?


Join us for this year’s 1864 Days, where the storm at Dybbøl on 18 April 1864 is re-enacted at History Centre Dybbøl Bankes reconstructed redoubt, with palisades, earthworks and full-size weapons. On both Saturday and Sunday, a major battle will take place, where the Prussian soldiers will attempt to penetrate the redoubt and defeat the Danish soldiers. The cannons are fired with a force that resounds in the ears and can be felt in the ground.


In addition to the big battle, there is a daily cannon demonstration and you can watch the infantry practise their formations. Take a walk around the camp and say hello to both Danish and German soldiers in smart uniforms.


If you need a break from the hard fighting, you can visit the Home Front, get a taste of 19th century food and see the women’s beautiful dresses. Can you become a soldier? Children can join a session in the soldiers’ camp and become a soldier like in 1864.


The purpose of the 1864 Days is to tell the audience about the War of 1864 and its consequences for soldiers, civilians and the Danish-German border. ‘Denmark lost the battle for Schleswig 160 years ago, and much water has flowed under the bridge since. After a weekend in this community, where Danish and German volunteers recreate the battle together, it can be hard to imagine a time when the difference between Danish and German was a daily struggle for the people of Schleswig, and when you were either.