1864 Days
The last weekend in June, Dybbøl Banke will thunder and roar with the history of 1864.
Here you’ll get an exciting and authentic experience when time is turned back to 1864. On Saturday and Sunday, the soldiers’ camp at the history centre is open with battle demonstrations, camp life, field lazaret, market stalls, stories and lots of activities for the whole family.
War doesn’t only affect soldiers, which is why we also have the home front, where stories and demonstrations from everyday life at home are told and demonstrated. Here you can buy period goods and do historical handicrafts.
During the days, both Danish and Prussian soldiers participate in battle demonstrations in the historic landscape of Dybbøl Banke.
History Centre Dybbøl Banke
Trip Advisor
Opening hours
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke
See opening hours
Dybbøl Mølle
See opening hours
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke er et VPAC center. VPAC står for Videnspædagogisk Aktivitets Center, der er et statsstøttet oplevelsescenter, hvor børn og voksne får viden og indsigt i natur, historie og videnskab gennem lærerige og udfordrende aktiviteter for alle sanser. Der er 16 VPAC centre i Danmark.