The independent institution Dybbøl Mill
The purpose of the Independent Institution Dybbøl Mill (DSI Dybbøl Mølle) is to maintain the mill, the mill farm and the adjacent land as a historical memorial and to ensure use and maintenance worthy of a protected national monument.
As per January 1, 2018:
- Chairman Jens Peter Rasmussen
– appointed by the Danish Soldiers’ Associations National Council
E-mail: - Vice-Chairman Claus Klaris
The Sønderborg Municipality
E-mail: - Bendt Olesen
The Sønderborg Municipality - Arne Jørgensen
The Danish Defense Brotherhoods - Keller Nielsen
The Danish Soldiers’ Associations National Council - Hans Lindum Møller
– appointed by DSI Dybbøl Mølle - Flemming Rytter
– appointed by DSI Dybbøl Mølle - Forester Inge Gillesberg
The Nature Agency Southern Jutland - Museum Inspector Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen
The Museum Southern Jutland - Accounting Manager Leif Geest
The Region Southern Denmark
Beobachterstatus oder Berater:
History Centre Dybbøl Banke
Trip Advisor
Opening hours
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke
See opening hours
Dybbøl Mølle
See opening hours
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke er et VPAC center. VPAC står for Videnspædagogisk Aktivitets Center, der er et statsstøttet oplevelsescenter, hvor børn og voksne får viden og indsigt i natur, historie og videnskab gennem lærerige og udfordrende aktiviteter for alle sanser. Der er 16 VPAC centre i Danmark.