Dybbøl Mill

Visit Dybbøl Mill, which is one of Denmark’s most iconic national symbols.

Dybbøl Mill is more than just a mill. It holds a history and meaning that makes it an iconic Danish national symbol. Located at the top of Dybbøl Banke, the mill has been the centre of dramatic events during the Schleswig Wars of 1848-49 and 1864. In both wars, the mill was destroyed, but each time rebuilt.

Explore the mill’s permanent exhibitions

Today, Dybbøl Mill serves as a museum, where you can delve into its fascinating history through our extensive exhibitions. On the two floors of the warehouse building, you will find the themes:
• Why are you here?
• The people at the mill
• The many mills
• The fight for the mill
• Dybbøl as a place of remembrance

Visit Dybbøl Mill and get into history

When you visit Dybbøl Mill, you step into a living museum where the dramatic battles of the past and the victories of peace are brought to life. Here you can not only learn about Denmark’s history, but also feel it up close. Dybbøl Mill is a place where history meets the present, and where every single object and exhibition tells its own unique story.

Take a journey through time and experience why Dybbøl Mill is an inevitable chapter in Denmark’s cultural heritage. We look forward to welcoming you!