DSI Dybbøl Mill
The purpose of the Independent Institution Dybbøl Mill (DSI Dybbøl Mølle) is to maintain the mill, the mill farm and the adjacent land as a historical memorial and to ensure use and maintenance worthy of a protected national monument.
Members of the Board of DSI Dybbøl Mølle as per 1 January 2024:
- Chairman Jens Peter Rasmussen (appointed by the Danish Soldiers’ Associations National Council), E-mail: mjprasmussen6@gmail.com
- Vice-Chairman Keller Nielsen (The Danish Soldiers’ Associations National Council)
- Kjeld Stærk (The Sønderborg Municipality)
- Bendt Olesen (The Sønderborg Municipality)
- Arne Jørgensen (The Danish Defense Brotherhoods)
- Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen (The Museum Southern Jutland)
- Hans Lindum Møller (appointed by DSI Dybbøl Mølle)
Observers and advisors:
- Forester Inge Gillesberg (The Nature Agency Southern Jutland)
- Accounting Manager Leif Geest