
SpringSeasons at a Glance

01. April 2024 – 27. June 2024

Visit the History Centre in Dybbøl and step into the history of the Danish-German War 1864. In our authentic redoubt reconstruction, you have the possibility to walk around in a Danish redoubt system for the first time since 1864.

Amongst others, you can look at the huge block house whose roof is made of massive roof beams. Moreover, you can go down into the powder magazine which is the only building made of concrete. The life behind the front can be experienced in the soldiers’ town where you can also lie down on straw in the troops barracks and you can try to telegraph

Inside the History Centre we have a short introduction movie about the political background and, then, the two movies about the two dicisive battles at Sønderborg: The Day of the Assault and Attack on Als.

We recommend finishing your visit with a walk around the redoubt route outside of the History Centre.

Opening Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Practical Information:

Remember! Comfortable and good shoes as well as maybe rainproof clothing since a part of the tour takes place outside.

You can bring your lunch and eat in our yard.

Dogs are also welcome.

Tales of the Day (weekday)

11:20Conducted tour
13:20Conducted tour
15:20Conducted tour

Tales of the Day (Weekends)

10:40Soldiers weapon an equipment
11:20An eyewitness from 1864
12:00The fortifications at Dybbøl
13:20The soldier's weapons and equipment
14:20An eyewitness from 1864
15:00The fortifications at Dybbøl
15:45The soldier's weapons and equipment